Reading Assessment for Students with special needs
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This resource is a reading assessment that was created especially for students with a disability in mind. I would use this resource at least twice within the school year; once at the beginning of the year and once at the end. This is meant to be a quick assessment for primary grade levels or students reading below a level H for teachers to get a quick assessment.
Skills that are addressed in this assessment:
- emergent reading skills
- reading comprehension
- reading levels
- ability to take a quiz
- attention skills
What is included in this resource?
- Original Text: (Levels A -H) 8 different levels
- Running Records: for each book level
- Quiz: 2 different versions, picture supports and one without pictures
- Reading Comprehension Picture Cards: With each of the texts, I have included matching picture vocabulary cards to help answer simple comprehension questions. I have even made a few distractor cards. These help with low-level learners or nonverbal students.
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